(Copyright (c) 2010 Cynthia Shenette) This picture of me on Cape Cod was taken about 1968 at either Rock Harbor or Skaket Beach in Orleans, Massachusetts. I still remember wearing this outfit. I absolutely loved it--pink and white seersucker stripes with applique butterflies. My mom made almost all of my clothes, so my guess is she made this outfit as well. Notice the plastic bag in my hand. I was always trying to catch little fish or snails or tiny crabs to bring home, and my mother was always trying to talk me into setting them free...
A long-time librarian, I am mostly of Polish, Acadian, and French-Canadian descent. I have started this blog to share and acquire genealogical knowledge, achieve inner peace, and perhaps realize my ultimate quest, to find two ancestors with the same surname who actually spelled their surnames exactly the same way...
I like your pink outfit as well. It was nice that it was captured on camera for these nice memories.
Cynthia, thank you for your kind and comforting words. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom too.
I know that each day for the rest of my life...there will not be day that I won't think of my mom just as you think of yours.
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