(Copyright (c) 2010 Cynthia Shenette)
Lovely aren't they. I have no idea who these people are. I have a large box of unidentified photos, and quite a few of them are wedding photos. These four photos are a small sampling of my "mystery" wedding collection. The photo at the top was taken by a photographer with studios in Southbridge and Webster, MA. The second photo is inscribed, "Heli and Kazi 1921." The third photo was taken by a photographer in Worcester, MA. The bottom photo has Bachrady (the name of the photographer I think) 1918 on the front and the name Sulkoski on the back. My guess is all of the people were members of the Polish community in Worcester, Southbridge, or Webster. If you recognize anyone here drop me a line. I'd love to put a name to a face...
Absolutely beautiful wedding photos! I hope you can find out who they are of!
I would be interested in any tips for Mass. sources. We had planned to spend the week here, and have had such miserable experiences that we gave up and are heading home today. I have never been so frustrated.
The NICEST people were at the state library, where they were unable to retrieve the things they did have that were relent because the Special Collections area was closed due to budget cuts. Then there was the Wooster Historical Museum... I was in tears at the State Archives. I have a vision issue and simply wished to print the materials I needed from that TERRIBLE microfilm. I explained that I couldn't read it, and merely wanted to print it. Only one printer was in use, so it wasn't as though there was a line... I was told I had to read it before I printed it. Gee, if I could read it, I wouldn't have wanted to print it all. We phoned places that never returned our calls... MISERABLE.
NJBuckeye, I'm so sorry you had a bad experience with your MA research. Take a look at my Worcester and MA links. Maybe they will be helpful to you. The Worcester City Clerk has some great info on line as does the Mass Archives. The Family Search Pilot has some MA records (marriage and death) online. I'll try to do a blog post sometime in the next couple of months outlining the sources I have found helpful. Good luck...
Dear Cynthia!
You have a great blog, thanks to you fund out from where exactly (hoboken)the M.S.Pilsudski was goingon a tripto gdynia, Poland.
I come from Gdynia(one of the places you are reaserching is Zdynia, probably you know already that it is mistake and you should change it to Gdynia ---sometimes in older times they were writing it with a script where upper case G looks like upper case Z----) but i live currently in Brooklyn, New York, I am an immigrant but only 17 years old,means I came to USA in 1996. Your blog is great and I admire you for dedicating so much time to prepare it so nicely, especially I liked the memories from the M.S.Pilsudski because lately I was reading polish book which mentioned the trip to America from Gdynia -my beloved city -with GAL shipping lines. I was wondering where the ship was actually stoping, was it Brooklyn(very close where I live now)or Manhattan piers, finally after 2 hours of researching, I got on Google our blog with the exact answer. Thank you, it helped me very much to know how such trip looked back then. I am so proud of you that you care so much about your ancestors and your polish origin. The only coincidence is that my mother's friend from Poland emigrated to America to Worcester! MA in 1972 on M.S. Stefan Batory and she lives there till now. I remember she send us her weding picture from the church in your city (I do not know if it was our Lady of Czestochowa church but am going to ask her. I did not know that they had such big polonia in your city.In comparison to the pictures you have attached in blog she sent us beautiful colorful picture and us living in grey communistic Gdynia back in 1980-ties this picture was showing us also the greatness of America. Who knew that I am going to research it in 30 years. I am going to send her link as soon as I am going to finish this comment. Good luck with your blog and research. Iwona
September 1, 2013 at 10:40 PM
Hi Iwona,
Thank you for reading my blog, and thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I'm sorry it has taken a bit for me to respond. I've been away from my blog and my research for a bit.
It's nice to meet someone from Gdynia! You might be interested to know that someone is writing a book, in Polish, about the Pilsudski. I am also researching another town called Zdynia in the southern part of Poland. My husband's Ukrainian grandmother came from Zdynia.
It was interesting to hear that your mother's friend moved to Worcester. You are correct--Our Lady of Czestochowa is the Polish church in Worcester. The city still has a large and vibrant Polish population!
I am glad you found my blog and that you found the answers you were looking for regarding the Pilsudski.
Thanks again for your comment!
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